Kindergarten and Primary have started swimming lessons! Our students are ready to learn how to swim and to enjoy sport! Let’s see all that we can learn during the year!
So many fun experiences… Our students and teachers had so much fun!
Aquesta setmana i la passada, els nostres alumnes de P3, P4, P5 i 2n han fet una jornada de portes obertes de natació.Als nostres alumnes els encanten aquestes classes especials!
All our Kindergarten students have met their Primary students ”reading buddies”. Who knew reading could be even mire fun!
Els alumnes de P3, P5 i 1er ja han tingut la seva primera classe de piscina. Ja les han començat tots els alumnes!
Our kindergarten and Primary swimmers are now fully adapted to the lessons, which are taking place, temporarily, at the CNB facilities. Even our little ants are having so much fun!